Tuesday, April 19, 2011

middle of the nite during study week

hmm...it's 2.29 in the morning... my house-mates are sleeping like a pig i guess (;p) n off course, i'm sitting in front of the my laptop, writing some emo thingy at my blog...

it's has been a boring n loong week for me. i know i shall read n revise those books BUT i'm juz not in tat mood... obviously, nobody will get into the study mode during tis week though it's STUDY WEEK...lolz~ haha!

i had a conversation with my mom juz now...initially, we were hapi n toking tis n tat. but i duno how we ended the conversation with a bad atmosphere. >< hmmm.... wat i wan is rather simple for the rich , but tough for the middle like my family.

"Home is not where you live, but where they
understand you." - Christian Morgenstern

haih, mayb i shud put away those thinking n start my day with a BIG SMILE ^^

tis photo was taken at 1.07am ;p

“Man is fond of counting his troubles, but he does not count his joys. If he
counted them up as he ought to, he would see that every lot has enough
happiness provided for it.” - Fyodor Dostoevsky

Thursday, April 7, 2011

♥♥♥♥♥ Zee Avi 季小薇 ♥♥♥♥♥

最近恋上Zee Avi的音乐了......


她,因为在2009是在youtube post 了一首自创英文和国文加起来的rojak歌,名叫 《kantoi》而被jack johnson相中,成为了jack johnson唯一的女徒弟。有多少人想要进jack johnson的公司都进不到,反而一把中性,干净而浑厚的声音成功进军美国市场,成为了美国最期待的声音。

她的嗓子真的让人很calm, 很peaceful,非常的舒服。


我该向她看齐,也想变成一位创作型的一名小女子。哈哈,哪敢说才女,高攀不起呀,我知道自己有多少斤两。其实我也想写歌呀,可是就写不出呀!haih~ 我真的不知要从何开始。如果再不写,在摇篮手就没每容纳我的空间了。虽然说只要爱音乐就行了,可是事情不是像表面上那么简单咯。呵呵呵,不可写太多哟。不然会很惨呀~

夜深了,就让季小薇的歌声陪伴着我吧!强力推荐 《juz u n me》