Tuesday, October 12, 2010


有时,我曾以为真心对待就会换取同等的对待. 原来,我一直都错了 .当你对待一个人好,那个人就觉得是必然的. 当你遇到困难时或者满足不了那个人的要求,他就会离你而去,甚至抹煞了你曾为他所做的一切, 然后再補多两刀,让你不得好死. 天啊,为什么只由21岁的我会经历那么多的风风雨雨?难道我就不能做些这年龄该做的事? 为什么一定要我承受这些压力? 我的肩已经不能承受那么多的负担,我恳求您不要再往我肩上增加负担,因为我也不知我何时会承受不住. 我相信有一天我一定会倒下, 我也相信那时的我将会是孤零零一个人.因为, 我一直都是独行侠.......


  1. don't be too down...always remember that you still have your family. They won't never abandon you no matter under what consequences. Or you can always talk to us...your special group member. I believe we still have the bond although the "business" is over~

  2. haha...it's quite surprise tat u'll leave a comment here. thanks 4 ur lovely comment!i reali felt helpless especially in tis tough october. i had clearly seen the attitude of the ppl surrounding me how they treat me when i was in trouble. all of the stress n things happened surrounding me realy drive me crazy. i dun k bout how ppl c me from now on, i'll be the fish-monger becoz nobody will be sympathized me when i end up with bloody hell result. wat for am i being so caring 4 them?? no1 will appreciate it. tis oct reali changed me a lot...

  3. just do whatever is best for you and the current situation. do what you think is worth to do. I believe you can survive through this hardship. believe me. what you've experience, what you've seen in uni life will help you in the future, such as human relationship and human nature. if u want to set up ur own law firm i think this is quite important. sometimes i have the same thought like you. we r just lone ranger. i can only depend on myself to solve problems around me. but what to do? aih....like what chinese proverb says, someone is going to have a tough life if fate has chosen him to be a great man. hahaha! becoz he can learn a lot when dealing with the tough life. nvm...maybe we will have time to sit down and talk in PD trip..hehehehe~ so, for now, we'll listen to Avril's song..."Keep holding on...."
